“MEDVIA is coming to the end of our first full year of operation and can look back on successful events, collaborations, strategy sessions and projects realized through our funding mechanisms. We established the MEDVIA board and several advisory councils, changed our name, welcomed dozens of new members and launched new initiatives. We look forward to 2023, where we will continue to roll out project calls but also focus on the challenges our members face. We are committed to our mission to ensure ‘care changing and healthtech innovations’ grow and prosper in Flanders.”
– Ann Van Gysel, CEO
Just a few of MEDVIA’s 2022 highlights:
Science for Health Our autumn conference in Brussels focused on gene therapy this year, with a packed auditorium responding enthusiastically to international speakers addressing challenges and opportunities of the promising therapy, connecting biotech with healthtech
Members Reception In June we brought our members together for an info evening and networking reception. We explained what MEDVIA had been up to, what we had planned for the coming year and the ways in which we can collaborate with our members
Funded projects In co-operation with VLAIO, MEDVIA approved funding for 22 Flemish innovators in 2022. All of the projects bring together at least two sectors in medtech, biotech and digital medicine
Co-founded Medic Nest Together with three other healthtech clusters in Europe, MEDVIA founded Medic Nest, an alliance of clusters working in precision medicine. This will make it easier to bring our members in touch with potential partners and regulatory agencies on an international level
Welcomed many new members! MEDVIA now has nearly 100 members, including medtech companies, hospitals, digital health service providers and research institutions
Launched Zorgadviesraad We brought healthcare and patient care organizations around the table a few weeks ago to hear from the end users of our members’ innovations. We learned what challenges are faced in implementing new technologies and therapies and how to better serve this community. This ‘Care Advisory Council’ will meet again next year
And what are we looking forward to in 2023?
Healthtech Summit Our big spring conference on 23 March in Leuven will bring our sectors – medtech, biotech and digital medicine – together with patient care organizations and international experts to talk about how to break down silos and embark on successful collaborations
Roadmap to the Future Our members are coming together to help us develop a strategy for spending 40% of our earmarked funding. Are you a strategic thinker? What kind of projects do you think are most needed in the healthtech sector in Flanders? Come tell us on 27 February
EU project NoBoCap MEDVIA is a partner in this EU-funded project that tackles the regulatory issues faced by healthtech innovators
Growing the healthtech ecosystem MEDVIA will help members connect with international VCs, secure EU funds and grow their market through our internationalization program. Healthtech innovators face daunting challenges, and we are ready to tackle them together with you!
Call for funding 2023 The first call for funding for 2023 was launched last week! Check out the webinar and documentation for everything you need to know to apply for project funding. A second call will follow later in the year
Smart Health Technologies The first ClusterXchange to be hosted by the Medic Nest alliance is in February in Romania. It is an excellent opportunity for companies working in data or developing technology for hospitals, as well as for service providers to innovators. Want to join MEDVIA for this forum on medical diagnostics and treatments? Let us know!
Internationalization for Healthtech Start-ups & Spin-offs A free series of eight sessions will guide healthtech companies through the maze of export regulations, strategies and key markets