Up and Away: Apply now for internationalization course for healthtech start-ups and scale-ups

Thanks to a great deal of talent, investment opportunities and structured support, Flanders is exceptionally strong in the life sciences sector. As many entrepreneurs will tell you: This is a rich environment to launch a healthtech spin-off or start-up.

But one aspect is often not considered from the very start: an international market strategy. This is crucial, however, to ensure the sustainability of your company over the long term. The realities of a global economy cannot be ignored.

That’s why the provinces of East Flanders, Antwerp and Flemish Brabant are taking the initiative to support start- and scale-ups in developing their internationalization strategies. The provinces are partnering with MEDVIA to organize Up and Away: Internationalization for Flemish Healthtech Start-ups and Scale-ups, a free eight-part course on expanding your market outside of Belgium.

When is the course?

The course runs from January to October 2025, with one session taking place in the second half of every month (summer months excluded). All sessions are in the afternoon and start with lunch. Each session takes place in one of the three provinces. Participants accepted into the course are expected to attend all eight sessions.

Who can follow the course?

The course is targeted to healthtech start-ups, spin-offs and scale-ups based in Flanders. Companies can be at the start of their international market plans or have already broken into a market but want to expand their reach.

The Up and Away course is free, but companies must apply to be accepted. Please click here to apply. Applications are due by 31 October. The number of course participants is strictly limited to allow a personal, one-on-one experience. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to take part in a pre-course interview.

What are the sessions like?

Every session has a topic and will be led by experts in that topic. Experts will be supported by local entrepreneurs knowledgeable of and experienced in the specific topic. The program may also be embellished or adapted to fit the needs of the group. The sessions will be delivered in English.

The program in short

January / Session 1 / Market entry considerations
Culture – healthcare system – reimbursement models – regulations – market evaluation – entry strategies

February / Session 2 / Europe
Applying insights from Session 1 to specific countries in Europe, particularly neighboring countries

March / Session 3 / Americas
Applying insights from Session 1 to specific use cases in the US and other countries based on the interests of the group

April / Session 4 / Asia
Applying insights from Session 1 to specific use cases in Asia, including China, Japan, India and South Korea

May / Session 5 / Workshop: Build your internationalization strategy
Apply insights from previous sessions to your own company and products/services

June / Session 6 / Individual Coaching
Determine which countries are a good fit for your product or service

September / Session 7 / Financing
Investment readiness / attracting investment / talking to investors

October / Session 8 / Pitching
Perfect your skills in pitching your business plan, strategy or product to different audiences.

Download the full program here. The program will continue to be updated.

Questions? Please contact Johan Lecocq or Liz Renzaglia