Project spotlight: AstroCardia puts hearts in space

In cooperation with life sciences news platform BioVox, Project Spotlight highlights collaborative projects that have been funded by MEDVIA.

AstroCardia has developed a heart-on-a-chip to study cardiovascular aging… in space! Trials will begin in 2025 aboard the international Space Station (ISS). The MEDVIA project was made possible thanks to the combined expertise of the five Belgian partners: Space Applications Services, the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN), QbD Group, BIO INX, and Antleron.

Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death around the world. Each of us probably knows of a relative or friend who has suffered from a heart-related condition. The likelihood of developing cardiovascular disease increases with age; however, the underlying causes are not fully understood, due in part to the absence of appropriate human-based models to study. AstroCardia is aiming to change that. The project is a collaboration between five Belgian organizations ­– Space Applications Services, the Belgian Nuclear Research Center (SCK CEN), QbD Group, BIO INX, and Antleron – which are working together to study cardiovascular aging using a model known as a heart-on-a-chip.

Please visit the BioVox website to read the rest of the article

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The members of MEDVIA and have voted to merge their activities in the first half of 2025. With a united voice, we will champion the entire healthtech and biotech ecosystem on the regional, federal and European stage.

The merger allows MEDVIA and to align activities and deliver more powerful support for our collective members. We will achieve greater impact with more dynamic networking opportunities, better directed funding and increased efficiency, sharpening our focus in common areas and drafting strategic roadmaps for Flanders.