MEDVIA has confirmed the due dates for abstracts and full proposals for its first call for funding for 2023
MEDVIA announced its call for funding 2023.1 last month and is now confirming the dates associated with the submission of the abstract and full proposal.
23 February Submission of abstract
1-2 March Pitch sessions (Brussels, venue to be confirmed)
30 June Full proposal due
December Decisions on approvals
Abstract templates are available on our grants page. Abstracts should also be submitted via this page.
Proposal templates will be available in a few weeks. Applicants chosen to move on to the submission of a full proposal will be informed approximately one week after the pitch sessions.
Who is eligible for funding?
MEDVIA, through the support of Flemish innovation agency VLAIO, provides earmarked, non-dilutive funding to projects that offer solutions to unmet medical needs. Projects must involve collaboration between the biotech, medtech and digital tech sectors.
An information sheet with details about project funding can be found on our grants page. MEDVIA has also provided a webinar explaining changes to the process and priorities compared to previous rounds of funding. Even if your organization has taken part in a call before, it is important to fully examine the documents and view the webinar.
Consortia that submit an abstract that is approved and can therefore move on to the full proposal stage will be required to attend proposal-writing workshops on 13 March, 18 April and 22 May.
Roadmap to the Future
On 27 February, MEDVIA will host Roadmap for the Future, a day-long series of discussions and workshops with our members to set priorities for the coming years. Some of the projects chosen to take part in the 2023 call will be determined based on the priorities established at Roadmap for the Future.
If after reviewing all the documentation you have questions about MEDVIA’s project funding, please contact us.