The organizations behind the SAVE DATA project – MEDVIA, imec and Vito – invite you to Ethics and Healthcare Technology, a free seminar (in Dutch) on ethical considerations in developing and using healthcare data and technology.
Ethics and Healthcare Technology
11 May 12.00-16.30
The Beacon
Sint-Pietersvliet 7
2000 Antwerp
With so many new evolutions in healthcare technology, it is crucial to consider the ethical issues involved from the beginning. How can your company develop technology that is truly aimed at improving quality of life and well-being?
In this afternoon session, we hear from experts on these ethical considerations, then get to work hands-on in sessions examining the King Baudouin Foundation’s Caring Technology Principles. We will split up into smaller groups to look at concrete cases, learn how to ensure that your own company or organization is focused on high-quality healthcare technology, and see how the toolbox can be further developed to continue to provide an ethical basis.
The program:
12.00 Reception and lunch
13.00 Expert sessions:
– Yvonne Denier, professor at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven, and ethical advisor to Zorgnet Icuro
– Ralf De Wolf, professor in New Media Studies in the Department of Communication Sciences, UGent, and a
researcher at the Knowledge Centre Data & Society
14.00 Break
14.15 Workshop Caring Technology
16.30 Networking drinks
The event is free of charge and is Dutch-spoken. Please register here.
What is SAVE DATA?
This workshop is hosted by the Caring Technology Learning Community and SAVE DATA, one of VLAIO’s Coock projects. SAVE DATA, a collaboration among MEDVIA, Vito and imec, works with companies, non-profits, governments and knowledge institutions to make health pathways – both preventive and curative – more accessible in a safe, ethical and transparent manner.
What is Coock?
Coock stands for Collectief Onderzoek & Ontwikkeling en Collectieve Kennisverspreiding/-transfer, or Collective R&D and Dissemination/Transfer of Knowledge. Funded by VLAIO, Coock projects allow a research institute to share the building blocks of specific technology with industry or public/governmental concerns. The goal of Coock projects is to valorize research results by accelerating the introduction of technology and knowledge to a broad group of companies.