MEDVIA invites our members to join us in beautiful Barcelona for our fourth Medic Nest ClusterXchange of the year. The ClusterXchange will kick-off on 25 September with an event focused on personalized medicine. Then members are invited to the three-day BioSpain, one of the largest conferences dedicated to biotech in the world. Next to our own members, members of other relevant cluster organizations (Flanders.Bio, beMedTech, etc) are invited to attend as part of the ClusterXchange.
26-28 September – BioSpain, Fira de Barcelona, Montjuïc Park
27 September – Cluster SIVI hosts visit to Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL)
Cluster members get a discount of more than 50% on the entry fee to BioSpain. SMEs and research organizations that attend for at least three days, including 25 September, are eligible for a travel voucher for up to €415 from Medic Nest.
Why Spain?
- Nearly 4,000 companies in Spain carried out biotech activities in 2021. More than 850 of them were biotech firms
- Biotech companies generated over €10.3 billion in income last year, good for nearly 1% of Spain’s GDP
- Spanish biotech makes up 3.2% of global production
- The country’s biotech innovations are cited 30% more often than the global average
- Spain is eighth in the world in published biotech documents
Why go to BioSpain?
- More than 800 companies and 50 investors present
- One-to-one meetings
- Catalonia has the highest concentration of biotech companies in Spain
- Gain exposure in the exhibition hall
- Hear experts discuss biomanufacturing, new genomic techniques, market challenges and many other engaging topics
Why go to the ClusterXchange?
- Present your project to cluster members from Spain, Greece and Romania
- Hear about international projects that need partners
- Find out how Spain’s ecosystem can support your product or company
If you would like to join MEDVIA for the ClusterXchange and BioSpain, please let us know so that we can provide you with the discount code and full information on the ClusterXchange.
MEDVIA is a member of Medic Nest, the European alliance of healthtech clusters. Read more about Medic Nest and the related ClusterXchanges here