Funded VLAIO Projects


Remote patient monitoring solution for WALKing
Consortium: AZ Maria Middelares / Ceriter / Byteflies / Quad Industries
A remote patient monitoring solution to promote faster and more effective rehabilitation for patients undergoing orthopedic surgery, initially focussing on Hallux Valgus or HV operations.


Smart TRACKing tool for Emergency Department flow management
Consortium: UZ Leuven / AZ Delta / Televic / Hict
A smart data-driven Emergency Department flow management tool to help hospital staff to optimize patient flow, reduce waiting times and save lives.


Formerly SpaceHeartChip
Consortium: Space Applications Services / SCK CEN / QbD / Bio Inx
An artificial heart-on-a-chip sent into space to mimic the cardiac aging process, to develop better models for basic research, drug discovery and development and personalized medicine.


Prostate Cancer Treatment Support
Consortium: Siemens Flanders / ML6 / AZ Delta
Demonstrating the feasibility of adopting a data-driven patient-centric health learning system in clinical practice by developing a prostate cancer treatment-decision support tool.


Phoniatrics Artificial Intelligence Detection tool
Consortium: Goomyx / Dienst NKO Sint-Augustinus Antwerpen / AZ Delta / ELG De Piramide
An AI-based application for improved screening and early detection of voice disorders, developed to support GPs in their decision of whether to refer patients to a ENT specialist.


Consortium: Byteflies / NexuzHealth / WGK OVL / UZ Leuven
A wearable smart solution for telemonitoring of cancer patients, tracking disease progression and treatment side effects to increase the life expectancy and help prevent (re-)admission to the hospital.


MultiLingual Self Speech Audiometry
Consortium: Cochlear Technology Centre / European Institute for Otorhinolaryngology – AZ Sint-Augustinus / Hoorzorg Van Looveren / UA – Department of Linguistics
Developing a reliable, remote, speech self-test that a patient can perform at home or in the waiting room to support clinical decision making for hearing loss and speech issues.


automated Medical Image aNalysis to optimally sUpport Transcatheter intEventions
Consortium: FEops / Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL) / Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZB)
Enabling real-time, automated pre-operative anatomical analysis that can be used independently by physicians to speed up transcatheter structural heart interventions.


LONG-read sequencing multi-OMICS platform.
Consortium: / BioLizard / UZ Gent / Qualix
An innovative full multiomics diagnostics platform to improve diagnosis, preventive measures and identification of novel therapeutic targets in rare diseases.

I(heart) Segmentation

Interactive heart Segmentation
Consortium: Materialise / Yields / UZ Leuven
Improving the image-based diagnostics used in heart surgery planning by creating better AI segmentation tools complemented by a model risk framework for increased safety.


Flemish Remote And transMural Enhanced recovery program
Consortium: J&J Medical / Q1.6 / / UZ Leuven
Improving the integration of postoperative care between the hospital and home setting through better remote digital monitoring systems using wearables, with day-care colectomy as a template for different standardized surgical interventions.


Easy data transfer to add reLEVvant output for heArt TherapiEs
Consortium: FEops / Ziekenhuis Oost-Limburg (ZOL) / Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel (UZB)
Stimulating the clinical adoption of FEops HEARTguide, a cloud-based planning tool for heart procedures, by connecting to hospital ICT infrastructure and expanding from CT images to also include 3D echographic images.


UHDR electron FLASH beams using 2D dosimetry
Consortium: GZA Ziekenhuizen / Belgian Nuclear Research Centre / Agfa / UZA
Creating an OSL 2D detector for reference dosimetry and a real-time 2D RL detector for in vivo FLASH-RT dosimetry to ensure that dosimetry is ready when flash radiation therapy for cancer enters clinical trials.


Electronic diagnostiC device to quickLy detECt globally Transmitted InfeCtions
Consortium: BioMARIC – AIP / UZ Gent / Qompium/Extra Horizon / ams OSRAM
Automating the digital manufacturing and quality assurance of medical devices that support radiation therapy to enable greater adoption of personalized devices in radiation therapy in more hospitals.


DIGItal manufacturing for personalized medical devices in RADiation therapy
Consortium: Materialise / UZ Leuven / Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen
Automating the digital manufacturing and quality assurance of medical devices that support radiation therapy.


digital PCR for deep mutation detection technology
Consortium: pxlence / CellCarta / UZ Gent / UGent
Improving precision oncology by developing a novel universal digital solution for sensitive and affordable detection of somatic mutations in liquid biopsies in pancreatic cancer in adults and neuroblastoma in children.


Digital Phenotyping of Stress Recovery to Augment Blended Coaching
Consortium: KU Leuven / IDEWE / Faresa / Cegeka
Investigating stress recovery by comparing real-life responses and lab results of subjective experience/physiology/context to improve blended coaching, where face-to-face sessions are combined with personalized, acute digital interventions based on continuous analytics.


Sensor fUsion foR sMart wOUNd moniToring
Consortium: UHasselt / imec-CMST / Sciensano / UGent
Smart wound dressings that can non-invasively diagnose wound parameters and continuously report on the physical environment of the wound site.


Computer-Aided Management of LOwer Gastro-Intestinal Neoplasia
Consortium: UZ Leuven / KU Leuven / UZ Gent / EASICS / AZ Delta
Assessing a novel computer-aided detection (CADe) tool installed upon a new hardware platform to create a stand-alone plug-and-play medical device for polyp detection and classification in bowel cancer.


Breast Cancer Support
Consortium: Endare / AZ Groeninge / Gasthuiszusters Antwerpen / AZ Delta
A quasi-realtime AI-based clinical decision support system (CDSS) for supporting breast cancer treatment selection, combining pathology/radiology and clinical data in uniquely smart AI models.


BiodeviceContract Research Organization
Consortium: ICsense / Comate / Antleron
A modular and integrated biodevice (chip+cartridge+device) enabling a joint CRO service to fast-track development of personalized and scalable solutions for cell & gene therapies and diagnostics companies.


3D Printed Bioresorbable Device for Partial Breast Reconstruction.
Consortium: Materialise / UZ Leuven / Molecubes
Advancing the field of breast reconstruction and soft tissue implants by introducing personalized, flexible, bioresorbable implants, evaluating the safety, performance and effect of radiotherapy in a pre-clinical in vivo model.


Breath test to guide CArdiac diagnosIs and theRapy.
Consortium: Voxdale / Inovigate / VITO / UZA
A standard, non-invasive, modular breath device for sensitive, specific and reproducible breath analysis for ambulant monitoring of patients, with an initial proof of concept in heart failure diagnosis.


CBCT-based Automated Implant PLANning for single implant Treatments.
Consortium: Relu / UZ Leuven / SVP Dienstencentrum
An automated web application for dental implant planning based on CBCT combining a virtual patient model and digital implant tp make treatment planning simpler and faster.

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The merger allows MEDVIA and to align activities and deliver more powerful support for our collective members. We will achieve greater impact with more dynamic networking opportunities, better directed funding and increased efficiency, sharpening our focus in common areas and drafting strategic roadmaps for Flanders.